Archive for March, 2010

March 26th

March 26, 2010


Once again, weeks have passed since one of us wrote into our blog.

These past few weeks, just have been busy. Busy. And busy. You had a lot of things to do. So did I. So, we didn’t have the chance to meet that often. Before, while seeing you almost everyday, I wondered if I would get used to seeing you only once in a few days.

I miss you everyday. I want to spend every minute and second together with you.
But I am satisfied with how things are right now. You are busy with work, in a company you like being in. I am busy with work, related to architecture, which will open up my way towards my future life.

The past is the past. Yesterday was yesterday. Last hour was hour.
What was wrong or unpleasant between us, it’s always already part of the the past.

Let’s take more care of each other. You can support me and I’ll support you.

You need a proper hug. I love you.

Tausend Küsschen.

Happy Week

March 16, 2010

Thanks for having me wake up to this every morning..


March 12, 2010

It’s sooo nice to be able to see you just before you fall asleep.
Innthe picture, you’re very cute!


March 8, 2010

Eun Na, it’s been a while since I posted something. I had told you that I’ll do this.

After we hung up, I couldn’t cope with the situation that I actually messed up the good situation between you and me again.
I asked myself: Gwon, why I are you doing this if you exactly know that every wrong step you make will hinder her and you from overcoming this.

I had all kinds of things in my mind.
I felt bad for making you feel that way although you are far away.
Why couldn’t have I just shut my mouth…

Recently, I’ve been regretting a lot of things I’ve done. Most of the time, I meant for the better but things didn’t always end the way I wanted

Why am I this confused and sensible when knowing that you are standing beside me and holding my hand.
I think I love you too much to let anything to go inbetween.

I know that my trust in you should be enough for me to get through this.

Maybe I’ve heard to many opinions recently, so that I was actually forgetting what my duty was.

Eun Na, please forgive my clumbsiness. I just wasn’t thinking enough. Not thinking long enough.

Let’s support each other so that we get what we want.

I still have so many things to achieve with you.

Don’t let my false decisions prevent us from doing greater things.

I will support you the way you think it is adequate. And hopefully, just as we talked the night before you left, you will support me so that I will do just fine.

Eun Na, let us both do something together towards a common goal, so that we won’t regret what we did one day in the future.

I will wait.
For us.


March 1, 2010

은나, 나 오랜만에 여기에 뭐 올리네.

금방 은나랑 스카이프 하고서는 이렇게 몇 마디 적고있어.

오랜만에 글을 올리는 만큼 무엇인가 특별한 거, 내가 직접 만든 것을 올리고 싶다는 생각에 무엇인가 그렸어.

우린 도쿄라는 도시에 함께 갔었지.

다음 목표는 유럽.

한 나라 한 나라에 갈 때마다 나는 마음속에 박스 한 개를 채운다는 생각을 해. 그 박스에는 은나와 함께한 것들, 추억들 등등 여러가지를 보관할 생각이야.

아직 채워야할 박스가 너무나도 많이 남아있다. 좋은거지. 그만큼 아직 우리에게 다가올 미래에 대한 기대가 크거든.

우린 앞으로 같이 할 날이 많기에 여행하면서 많은 것을 경험하고 느낄 수가 있겠다. 서로에 대해서 더 알아가는 계기들이 될테니 우리가 미래에 어디 어디에 같지는 모르지만 벌써부터 마음이 설레인다.