One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.

Some people loved me or to be precise, they used to love me for a while. So, I thought I loved them, but in the end, I found out that I did not.

I always waited for the one and only love. I knew that one day, I would bump into a person, to whom I can give everything I have and open up my heart without any restrictions.

The love other people gave me filled me up for a while but I could not make proper use of it. Their love did not fit me.

Their love probably was for someone else they would meet later on in their lives.

I waited. Hoping to find that love.

It might be wrong to say that I finally found it but never have I been having such a pleasant and fulfilling feeling.

Maybe true love can only exist, when two matching individuals meet.

I want to be able to tell a great story to my future children, of how I met my love.


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